Q+A with Founder of Body by Dani & Liv Method's Pro Trainer, Dani Claisse

Have you always been passionate about food and fitness?

    • For as long as I can remember I have been a foodie and a fitness junkie. As a kid I grew up playing every sport and was equally excited for trips to the supermarket with my mom. I loved browsing the aisles for the newest snacks. As an adult I channeled my enthusiasm for sports into a full time career as a personal trainer and nutrition coach. I still get excited to go into the supermarket and look for the newest products I can share with my clients.
    How important is diet in getting the results you want in the gym?
      • I always tell my clients its 90% diet, 10% training. It is so important that we understand what we are putting in our mouths and how that fuels us to perform not only in the gym but in our daily activities. Consistency and balance is our diet and fitness routine is key to getting the results we want.
      What's the most important meal of the day?
        • Breakfast, hands down!
        If you’re short on time, what’s one quick and nourishing meal that you can grab on the go? 
          • I love to keep homemade overnight oats in the fridge. Add fruit and nut butter to your favorite oats with almond milk and stick in the fridge overnight. This quick and easy meal consisting of carbs, fats and protein can even be made in a to-go cup for when you really need to grab something and go.
          What is your favorite thing to make with ROYO Bread? 
            • I love to make avocado toast with an egg over easy! I always squeeze lemon on top for added flavor without any extra calories.
            What do you think about the saying, “abs are made in the kitchen”? 
            • Well, we are actually all born with abdomens so this is only partially true! There are foods that will impact our tummy areas and there are food groups that promote flatter tummies.
            If you could give one piece of advice to someone who is in a rut with their health and fitness journey, what would it be?
            • Stick with it!! Big changes are really a series of small changes over time. Try picking 1 small goal a week to hit and build upon that goal every week. Reaching that weekly goal will help you to reach your ultimate goal.


            PLUS! Don't forget to try our BEST SELLING ITEM: the 30-Calorie Artisan BreadIt's delicious, high-fiber, low-carb, keto-friendly, & ONLY 30 calories!